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Writer's picture Connor Whiteley

Carl Jung Interview and Positives of Video Games In Clinical Psychology Reflection

Updated: May 3, 2021

In this clinical psychology episode of the podcast, we’re going to be looking at my reflection of My Carl Jung Interview on Episode 61 and The Positives of Video Games.

Episode 61 of The Psychology World Podcast Reflection

Friday 13th November 2020:

Yesterday, I recorded and interviewed New York Times and USA Today Best-selling author J. F Penn and we talked about Carl Jung, the psychology of religion and much more.

However, the reason why the interview has made its way into this reflective log is because this gave me a chance to improve my interview skills as I haven’t interview someone for ages.

This is always useful since as a clinical psychologist I would be interviewing clients about their difficulties.

Whilst, I was very organised and the interview went great. I must confess I did stutter a lot in some sections.

Now, I’ve never seen this as a problem per sat but this is a skill I need to work out in the future for my hopeful clinical psychology career.

In addition, I wanted to reflect on a particular part of the interview where Joanna and I were discussing Carl Jung and his ideas about alchemy. This I loved because he believed in short, that people were base metals and could grow and develop into beautiful things.

This idea I love because it is a great way to think about people, and as clinical psychologists, it is our jobs to not only help people further their own personal difficulties. But to help them to live more fulfilled lives.

Yet it is our job to help them to realise their full potential so they can turn from base metals into something beautiful and precious. Without making this sound like a self-improvement thing!

Positives of Video Games In Clinical Psychology

Saturday 21st November 2020

As a quick entry into this reflective log, I wanted to talk about a new study, I quickly spoke about the psychology news section of The Psychology World Podcast.

I read about a new study that found playing video games for longer can increase well-being.

Now, I’ll fully admit the effect of this was small. But an effect is still an effect and the methodology was very good.

Therefore, I wanted to discuss the findings in relation to clinical psychology.

Whether it be at an individual, interpersonal or family level. Video games can conflict for several reasons. Yet one of these ideas is the parents quite rightfully being concerned about their child’s wellbeing in relation to gaming.

Now, I’m going to keep this quite general, and I’ll ignore other factors here. However, if this reason is a source of conflict within the family and contributes to difficulties and other outcomes as outlined in systemic therapy. This, as clinical psychologists or who those wanting to become, we have to inform the parents about the growing amount of research supporting playing video games and wellbeing.

Also, there can be a social aspect to online. This is especially relevant during the second UK lockdown.

Of course, all research has limitations and I’m not saying we should encourage people to play video games for long periods of time. Since people still need real human contact, exercise, going outside, etc.

However, I believe this piece of research and other studies like it should have an awareness in clinical psychologists. Since video games can be a source of conflict within families.

I really hope you enjoyed this clinical psychology reflection and I would love to show your own reflection in the comments!

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Have a great day!

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