CBT For Eating Disorders And Body Dysmorphic Disorder
A Clinical Psychology Introduction To Cognitive Behavioural Therapy For Eating Disorders and Body Dysmorphia

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Eating disorders have the power to destroy lives, kill people and devastate families. Body Dysmorphic Disorder changes how someone sees their body. But what causes these mental health conditions and how are they treated?
Join acclaimed bestselling writer Connor Whiteley as you explore the fascinating topic of the causes and treatments of eating disorders and body dysmorphic disorder in this great, really easy-to-understand book.
By the end of this conversational and engaging book, you’ll know:
What are eating disorders and body dysmorphia?
What causes them?
How does Cognitive Behavioural Therapy work?
How does CBT help people with eating disorders and body dysmorphia?
And so much more.
CBT For Eating Disorders and Body Dysmorphic Disorder Content
Part One: Introduction To Eating Disorders
Introduction To Eating Disorders
More On Types Of Eating Disorders
Prevalence, Comorbidity And Cultural And Social Factors For Eating Disorders
What Causes Eating Disorders?
What’s Wrong With Having The Perfect Body?
Body Negativity In Boys And Why This Is A Silent Problem
Models Of Eating Disorders
Part Two: Treatment For Eating Disorders
Introduction To The Treatment Of Eating Disorders
Treatment And Issues Related To Engagement
Psychological Treatment For Eating Disorders
What Is Enhanced Cognitive Behavioural Therapy?
E-CBT Focusing On Bulimia
Part Three: Body Dysmorphia Disorder
Introduction To Body Dysmorphia Disorder
Muscle Dysmorphia, Diagnosis And Risk Factors
What About Differential Diagnosis In Body Dysmorphic Disorder?
Child And Adolescents With Body Dysmorphia, Clinical Features And Biased Cognitive Processes
Cognitive Models Of Body Dysmorphia
Starting The CBT Process For Body Dysmorphia
More On CBT For Body Dysmorphia
Cognitive Behavioural Assessment
Cognitive Interventions For Body Dysmorphia
Behavioural Experiments In Body Dysmorphia
Efficacy Of CBT For Body Dysmorphia, Future Research And More